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Education plays a significant role to spend meaningful and determined life. Armed with education, one can definitely attain the mission and vision of purpose full life. Keeping in view, the dire need of education, the offspring and devotees of Hazrat Peer Syed Jamat Ali Shah Lasani (R.A) are promoting his mission to spread knowledge and awareness towards success (Both in Dunya & Akhirat). For this incredible mission, His offspring Hazrat Peer Syed Ismaeel Shah R. A dreamed to commence and institution in the name of Jamia Islamia Lasania in 2005. 

Syed Karmat Ali Hussain Shah

Chief Executive

Thanks to Almighty ALLAH Who has blessed us a homeland i.e. Pakistan where we all can live according to teaching of Islam and Suunah of Holy Prophet Peace Be Upon Him. Our motherland has been facing numerous issues since its inception particularly in the field of education. In this regard, Sufis of the motherland played significant role to spread religious and formal education. These Sufis established monasteries where they laid the foundation of religious and formal education to serve humanity and patronage of knowledge. In the same regard, Peer Jamat Ali Shah R.A spread the message of Islam and education from the monastery of Ali Pur Syedan.


Education plays a significant role to spend meaningful and determined life. Armed with education, 

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Education plays a significant role to spend meaningful and determined life. Armed with education, 

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Education plays a significant role to spend meaningful and determined life. Armed with education, 

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An important and basic department of the institute is the teaching system in which about thirty

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